Art. 1 – General Principles

AL2 Sport SSDaRL recognizes and guarantees the right of all registered members to be treated with respect and dignity. Every registered member is required to maintain a respectful, fair, and abuse-free sports environment, free from any form of abuse, violence, and discrimination. The main right of registered members is to be treated with respect and dignity and to be protected from any form of abuse, harassment, gender violence, and any other form of discrimination as outlined in Legislative Decree No. 198/2006, regardless of ethnicity, personal beliefs, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, political opinion, religion, economic, physical, intellectual, relational, or sports status.

AL2 Sport SSDaRL recognizes and guarantees full protection of the right to health and overall physical and mental well-being of registered members, with particular regard for minors, as a paramount and overriding value, even above sports results.

This Code of Conduct is an integral part of the Organizational Model for the Management and Control of Sports Activities and implements its objectives.

Art. 2 – Scope of Application

This code applies to:

  1. All registered members of AL2 Sport SSDaRL;
  2. All workers, collaborators, and volunteers, and in general, sports operators of AL2 Sport SSDaRL, who, within the context of the association, in any capacity and in any role, are in contact with athletes or who are involved in the sports activities in any way;
  3. All those who, in any capacity, have relationships with AL2 Sport SSDaRL and are in contact with athletes.

Art. 3 – Types of Abuse, Violence, and Discrimination

For the safeguarding and protection of registered members, the following behaviors are considered relevant under the safeguarding policies of this regulation:

a) Psychological Abuse: Any unwanted act, including disrespect, confinement, domination, isolation, or any other treatment that can affect the sense of identity, dignity, and self-esteem, or that intimidates, disturbs, or alters the well-being of the registered member, even if perpetrated through digital tools;

b) Physical Abuse: Any conduct, whether completed or attempted (including hitting, punching, beating, choking, slapping, kicking, or throwing objects), that can potentially or actually harm the health, cause trauma, physical injury, or damage the psychological and physical development of a minor to the point of compromising their healthy and serene growth. Such acts may also involve pushing a registered member to engage in inappropriate physical activity for better sports performance, such as administering inappropriate training loads based on age, gender, structure, and physical ability, or forcing athletes to train when sick, injured, or in pain, as well as the improper, excessive, illegal, or arbitrary use of sports equipment. This category also includes behaviors encouraging the consumption of alcohol, banned substances, or doping practices;

c) Sexual Harassment: Any unwanted sexual act or behavior, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical, that causes serious annoyance, discomfort, or disturbance. Such acts or behaviors may include inappropriate body language, making sexually explicit comments or innuendos, or making unwanted or inappropriate sexual requests, including phone calls, messages, letters, or any other form of sexual communication, including those with an intimidating, degrading, or humiliating effect;

d) Sexual Abuse: Any behavior or conduct of a sexual nature, with or without contact, that is considered unwanted, or where consent is coerced, manipulated, withheld, or denied. This can also involve forcing a registered member to engage in inappropriate or unwanted sexual conduct or to observe a registered member in inappropriate situations or contexts;

e) Negligence: The failure of a manager, coach, or any registered member, due to their duties, to intervene when becoming aware of any event, behavior, conduct, or act mentioned in this document, thereby allowing harm to occur or creating an imminent danger of harm. It can also consist of persistent and systematic disregard or neglect of the physical and/or psychological needs of a registered member;

f) Neglect: Failure to meet the basic physical, medical, educational, or emotional needs of a registered member;

g) Religious Abuse: Preventing, conditioning, or limiting the right to freely profess one’s religion and practice it privately or publicly, provided it does not involve rituals contrary to good morals;

h) Bullying, Cyberbullying: Any offensive and/or aggressive behavior that a single individual or a group may carry out, personally or through social media or other communication tools, either in isolation or repeatedly over time, against one or more registered members, with the aim of exerting power or control over them. This may include repeated behaviors of prevarication and domination meant to intimidate or disturb a registered member, leading to a condition of discomfort, insecurity, fear, exclusion, or isolation (including humiliation, criticism regarding physical appearance, verbal threats, including related to sports performance, spreading false information, threats of physical repercussions, or damage to the victim’s property);

i) Discriminatory Behavior: Any behavior aimed at achieving a discriminatory effect based on ethnicity, color, physical characteristics, gender, socio-economic status, athletic performance and abilities, religion, personal beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

4 – General Conduct Rules for Members

Members and anyone participating in sports activities in any role or capacity must:

  • Adopt non-discriminatory behavior, avoiding any inappropriate attitude based on ethnic origin, personal beliefs, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, political opinion, religion, economic condition, birth, physical, intellectual, relational, sporting status, or any other nature;
  • Refrain from offensive, threatening, or aggressive behavior;
  • Avoid actions such as hitting, physically assaulting, or physically or psychologically abusing another person;
  • Avoid attitudes towards others that may, even psychologically, negatively affect their harmonious social-relational development;
  • Act as positive role models, especially for minors;
  • Refrain from engaging in relationships with minors that could be considered in any way sexual, exploitative, abusive, or harmful;
  • Use appropriate language, avoiding offensive or abusive suggestions or advice;
  • Behave appropriately in accordance with their role, avoiding inappropriate or sexually provocative conduct;
  • Refrain from establishing or maintaining contact with minor members through personal online communication tools (e.g., email, chat, social networks, etc.) beyond those strictly related to institutional activities;
  • Uphold the principles outlined in this document, avoiding tolerating or participating in behavior by others that is illegal, abusive, or endangers their safety;
  • Refrain from organizing unofficial social events with minor Athletes unless approved by their legal guardians;
  • Act in a way that protects the emotional well-being of minors, avoiding behaviors that could embarrass, humiliate, diminish, or demean others, or perpetuate any other form of emotional abuse;
  • Avoid discrimination, preferential treatment, or excluding certain individuals;
  • Act with loyalty, integrity, and fairness in all sports-related activities and maintain respectful conduct toward other Members;
  • Refrain from using inappropriate or suggestive language, including body language, even in playful or joking situations;
  • Ensure the safety and health of other Members, striving to create and maintain a healthy, safe, and inclusive environment;
  • Commit to the education and training of healthy sports practices, supporting other Members in their educational and developmental paths;
  • Strive to create, maintain, and promote a healthy balance between personal and sporting spheres, valuing the playful, relational, and social aspects of sports activities;
  • Establish a balanced relationship with those exercising parental responsibility or individuals entrusted with the care of Athletes or their delegates;
  • Prevent and discourage disputes, conflicts, and disagreements by fostering healthy, effective, and constructive communication;
  • Proactively address offensive, manipulative, threatening, or aggressive behaviors;
  • Collaborate with other Members to prevent, counteract, and address abuse, violence, and discrimination (individual or collective);
  • Commit to adhering to and respecting the Conduct Rules provided under Article 3 of the Organizational Model for the Management and Control of Sports Activities, reporting any inconsistencies or changes to the Safeguarding Officer to propose updates or adjustments to internal procedures;
  • Promptly report to the Officer responsible for abuse, violence, or discrimination appointed by the organization any situations, even potential ones, that expose themselves or others to harm, danger, fear, or discomfort.

5 – Duties and Obligations of Sports Managers and Coaches

Sports Managers and Coaches must:

  • Act to prevent and counter all forms of abuse, violence, and discrimination;
  • Take active measures to remove obstacles that hinder the promotion of the Athlete’s well-being and participation in sports activities;
  • Refrain from any abuse or misuse of their position of trust, power, or influence over Members, especially minors;
  • Contribute to the education and harmonious growth of Members, especially minors;
  • Avoid any unnecessary physical contact with Members, especially minors;
  • Promote relationships among Members based on respect and collaboration, preventing dysfunctional situations that could create, even through manipulation, a state of subjugation, danger, or fear;
  • Implement logistical solutions during trips to prevent discomfort and/or inappropriate behavior, involving those responsible for parental authority or supervision in the decision-making process;
  • Communicate and share educational and training objectives with the minor Member, explaining the methods intended to achieve these goals, and involving those responsible for parental authority or their caregivers or delegates in the process;
  • Organize sports activities and training sessions to guarantee the privacy of Athletes in changing rooms, ensuring that during sports activities or medical visits and treatments with physiotherapists or similar professionals, there is always the presence of a responsible person from the organization;
  • Refrain from using, reproducing, or disseminating images or videos of minor Members unless for educational and training purposes, obtaining the necessary authorizations from those responsible for parental authority or supervision;
  • Refrain from creating situations of intimacy with minor Members;
  • Refrain from intimate communication and contact with minor Members, including through social networks;
  • Apply the necessary professional skills in the potential planning and/or management of dietary regimens in sports settings;
  • Promptly report any indicators of eating disorders in the Athletes under their care;
  • Declare any causes of incompatibility and conflicts of interest;
  • Support the values of sports, also educating against the use of prohibited substances or methods to enhance the performance of Members;
  • Continuously inform themselves and stay updated on safeguarding policies, measures for preventing and combating abuse, violence, and discrimination, as well as modern methodologies for training and communication in sports;
  • Immediately stop any contact with a minor Member if situations of anxiety, fear, or discomfort arise due to their conduct, activating the Safeguarding Officer;
  • Commit to following and respecting the Conduct Rules outlined in Article 3 of the Organizational Model for the Management and Control of Sports Activities, reporting any inconsistencies or changes to the Safeguarding Officer to propose updates or changes to internal procedures;
  • Immediately report to the Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization and/or the CSAIn Safeguarding Officer any situations, even potential, that expose Members to harm, danger, fear, or discomfort.

7 – Duties and Obligations of Athletes

Athletes must:

  • Respect the principle of solidarity among Athletes, fostering mutual assistance and support;
  • Communicate their aspirations to Sports Managers and Coaches and collaboratively evaluate proposals regarding educational and training objectives, and the ways to achieve these goals, with the support of those who hold parental responsibility or caregivers, and possibly consulting with other Athletes;
  • Communicate any situations of anxiety, fear, or discomfort concerning themselves or others to Sports Managers and Coaches;
  • Prevent, avoid, and report dysfunctional situations that create, even through manipulation, a state of subjugation, danger, or fear in other Athletes;
  • Respect and protect the dignity, health, and well-being of other Athletes and, more generally, all individuals involved in sports activities;
  • Respect the educational and training role of Sports Managers and Coaches;
  • Maintain respectful relationships with other Athletes and with anyone involved in sports activities;
  • Report any injury or incident to those holding parental responsibility or caregivers, or their delegates;
  • Avoid intimate contacts or situations with Sports Managers and Coaches, even during trips, and report any inappropriate behavior;
  • Refrain from distributing private or intimate photographs or videos received, reporting any inappropriate behavior to those holding parental responsibility or caregivers, or their delegates, as well as to the Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization and/or the Safeguarding Officer of CSAIn;
  • Commit to following and respecting the Conduct Rules outlined in Article 3 of the Organizational Model for the Management and Control of Sports Activities, reporting any inconsistencies or changes to the Safeguarding Officer in order to suggest updates or changes to internal procedures;
  • Immediately report to the Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization and/or the Safeguarding Officer of CSAIn any situations, even potential, that expose Members to harm, danger, fear, or discomfort.

8 – Procedures for the Selection of Sports Operators

AL2 Sport SSDaRL, when establishing a collaboration – regardless of the type of relationship – with operators who are required to perform duties involving direct and regular contact with minors, requires a copy of the criminal record certificate in accordance with current legislation.

AL2 Sport SSDaRL conducts periodic checks at least every two years, requesting an update of the criminal record certificate in accordance with current legislation.

AL2 Sport SSDaRL retains documentation related to sports operators in compliance with current legislation, including regulations on the protection of personal data.

9 – Behavior to Adopt in the Presence of a Possible Relevant Conduct

All Members must be vigilant in identifying situations that may pose risks to others and must report any concerns, suspicions, or certainties regarding possible abuse, mistreatment, violence, or discrimination against others to the Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization or the Safeguarding Officer of CSAIn by submitting reports to Anyone who suspects relevant behavior can consult the Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization, even by sending a report to or directly with the Safeguarding Officer of CSAIn.

In cases involving minors, it may be appropriate to promptly report any signs of distress to those holding parental responsibility. However, there may be situations where cooperating with those holding parental responsibility may not be sufficient or may even cause harm rather than benefit: for example, if one of the parents is responsible for the abuse or if one of them proves incapable of appropriately handling the situation. In these cases, it would be advisable to consult the Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization.

10 – Sanctions

In the event of verified violations of the obligations set out in this Code of Conduct, the sanctions specified in Article 8 of the Organizational Model for the Management and Control of Sports Activities shall apply.

11 – Confidentiality

The Safeguarding Officer appointed by the organization and the Safeguarding Officer of CSAIn are bound by the confidentiality obligations provided by the Organizational Regulations.

The identity of the whistleblower cannot be revealed to anyone other than those authorized to receive or follow up on reports. Protection covers not only the identity of the whistleblower but also all elements of the report that could indirectly lead to the identification of the whistleblower.

The documentation related to reports or complaints, along with the credentials for accessing the reporting email address, is stored by the Safeguarding Officer and is accessible only by them.